He Saved Money That Should Have Been Given To Priests, Imams As Tithes And Gifts – Reverend Father Speaks On Obi’s Presidency

Ahead of the 2023 presidential election that’s few days away, a vocal Catholic Priest, Father Kelvin Ugwu has taken a look at the presidential candidate of Labour Party, Peter Obi.

He gave hilarious personal, health and other reasons why people may or may not support obi.

Read below:

Personal reason: I don’t like the way he is always looking at his wife softly and lovingly. Even in the middle of a heavy campaign in Lagos, they were still looking at themselves, is that how to “impersonate”?

Health reason: He is too ‘movious.’ Between Saturday and today, he moved from Alaba to Oshodi. From Oshodi in Lagos, he moved to Otolo Nnewi. From Otolo to Nnewi Market. From Nnewi, the next place we saw him is in Ekpoma in Edo State, and boom he is in Owerri for a road walk. What kind of too much good health is that biko? How can one man be this strong and everywhere? Does he want to kill people working with him?

Reason based on justice: since democracy in 1999, the only region that has not produced the president of Nigeria is South East. And unfortunately, Peter Obi is from there. There is no how it will be just to allow an Igbo man to be the president. It has been agreed a long time ago, that South East won’t be producing a president because they are blocked heads. We must respect this for the sake of justice.

Based on morals: Obi had the heart to save money while he was the governor of Anambra State… Plenty of money. . .money he would have shared among priests and pastors and bishops and Imams as tithes and offerings. With the money that was remaining from his administration, he was stingy to the point of not giving to God. Instead of giving the money to God, he went and gave them to banks to keep for the state. God won’t allow such a person to be the president of Nigeria. Tufiakwa!

Religion: Obi is Christian, and he went ahead to choose a Muslim vice. The Bible already said in 2 Cor 6:14 that we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Obi is totally against God’s directives. He is obviously an antichrist. Did he not see the other candidate that is Muslim and picked a Muslim vice? Obi cannot learn. Obi will always be a boy.

Issue base: Obi kept quoting figures, and concrete points on how he will move Nigeria from consumption to production. Na figures we go chop? Even to share ordinary baba blue, he can’t. . . And Bala blue is the real issue here, even an ordinary five naira Bulaba, he has not looked at it. Obi has totally neglected the real issue and started quoting figures and facts.


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