Passengers miraculously survive as car fails break and summersaults on Lekki-Ikoyi bridge

An accident involving a blue Toyota Corolla and a silver
Nissan Xterra occurred today on the Lekki-Ikoyi bridge but
passengers in both cars miraculously survived with minor
According to witnesses, the silver suv was speeding along
the bridge shortly after exiting the toll gate, when it failed
break, hit the Toyota Corolla in front of it, and
The Nissan, driven by a uniformed soldier, had eight
occupants, while the Toyota reportedly had four occupants.
The soldier had a cut on his forehead and it was bleeding. A
female passenger sat at the scene, too weak to move, and
complained of pain. Her jaw was visibly swollen but,
otherwise, there were no injuries on her body. Other
passengers seemed OK but shocked. 
Federal Road Safety officials were on ground to assist the
victims while they waited for Emergency Services to arrive.
The accident occurred between 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.  


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