The Emotional Final Speech Tearful Barack Obama Gave Thanking His Wife That Got Everone Talking
Barack Obama tearfully thanked his
wife Michelle during an emotional final
speech as President. Wiping his eyes,
Obama told the First Lady: “Michelle –
for the past twenty-five years, you’ve
been not only my wife and mother of my
children, but my best friend.
“You took on a role you didn’t ask for and
made it your own with grace and grit and
style and good humour. You made the
White House a place that belongs to
everybody. And a new generation sets its
sights higher because it has you as a role
model. You’ve made me proud. You’ve
made the country proud.”
In a poignant moment, Obama also made a
point of thanking his two daughters.
“Malia and Sasha, under the strangest of
circumstances, you have become two
amazing young women, smart and
beautiful, but more importantly, kind and
thoughtful and full of passion,” he said.
“You wore the burden of years in the
spotlight so easily. Of all that I’ve done in
my life, I’m most proud to be your dad.”
In an 8pm speech at McCormick Place, the
city’s main convention center, Obama
talked about how his experience in Chicago
– at the start of his political career – taught
him that change happens from the
“I first came to Chicago when I was in my
early twenties, still trying to figure out who
I was; still searching for a purpose to my
life,” Obama said.
“It was in neighborhoods not far from here
where I began working with church groups
in the shadows of closed steel mills.
“It was on these streets where I witnessed
the power of faith,and the quiet dignity of
working people in the face of struggle and
First lady Michelle Obama, Vice President
Joe Biden, his wife, Jill Biden, and many
current and former White House staff
members and campaign workers attended
the speech.
Obama’s daughter Malia, 18, was present
but his 15-year-old Sasha was not.
Obama also reflected on his
administration’s achievements in his
address, encouraging supporters to keep
fighting for issues like the environment, gay
rights and economic equality.
He plans to remain in Washington for the
next two years while his younger daughter,
Sasha, finishes high school.
He has indicated he wants to give Trump
the same space that his predecessor,
Republican President George W. Bush,
gave Obama after leaving office by not
maintaining a high public profile.
The Democratic president was feeling some
nostalgia as he prepares to leave the White
House on January 20 after eight years in
wife Michelle during an emotional final
speech as President. Wiping his eyes,
Obama told the First Lady: “Michelle –
for the past twenty-five years, you’ve
been not only my wife and mother of my
children, but my best friend.
“You took on a role you didn’t ask for and
made it your own with grace and grit and
style and good humour. You made the
White House a place that belongs to
everybody. And a new generation sets its
sights higher because it has you as a role
model. You’ve made me proud. You’ve
made the country proud.”
In a poignant moment, Obama also made a
point of thanking his two daughters.
“Malia and Sasha, under the strangest of
circumstances, you have become two
amazing young women, smart and
beautiful, but more importantly, kind and
thoughtful and full of passion,” he said.
“You wore the burden of years in the
spotlight so easily. Of all that I’ve done in
my life, I’m most proud to be your dad.”
In an 8pm speech at McCormick Place, the
city’s main convention center, Obama
talked about how his experience in Chicago
– at the start of his political career – taught
him that change happens from the
“I first came to Chicago when I was in my
early twenties, still trying to figure out who
I was; still searching for a purpose to my
life,” Obama said.
“It was in neighborhoods not far from here
where I began working with church groups
in the shadows of closed steel mills.
“It was on these streets where I witnessed
the power of faith,and the quiet dignity of
working people in the face of struggle and
First lady Michelle Obama, Vice President
Joe Biden, his wife, Jill Biden, and many
current and former White House staff
members and campaign workers attended
the speech.
Obama’s daughter Malia, 18, was present
but his 15-year-old Sasha was not.
Obama also reflected on his
administration’s achievements in his
address, encouraging supporters to keep
fighting for issues like the environment, gay
rights and economic equality.
He plans to remain in Washington for the
next two years while his younger daughter,
Sasha, finishes high school.
He has indicated he wants to give Trump
the same space that his predecessor,
Republican President George W. Bush,
gave Obama after leaving office by not
maintaining a high public profile.
The Democratic president was feeling some
nostalgia as he prepares to leave the White
House on January 20 after eight years in
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