Facts You Don’t Know About The Vagina
Sure, your vagina has been with you your
entire life, but how much do you actually
know about it? Whether you’ve been too shy
to ask or don’t know where to look for
information, chances are there are plenty of
things that you’ve wondered about the area
“down there.” Here are a few surprising facts
you may not know.
1. It cleans itself.
Step away from the soap and harsh
cleansers, gals. Your vagina keeps itself
clean. “It’s lined by a variety of glands that
produce the fluids needed to both lubricate
and cleanse the vaginal area,” says Lisa
Stern, APRN, a nurse practitioner who works
with Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles. “The
vast majority of vaginal infections I see in my
office are self-induced — generally by women
who think they’re doing a good thing by
washing their vagina with soap and water, or
worse, with douche.” Bath products,
particularly those with chemical dyes or
fragrances, can irritate the vagina and wash
away the beneficial lubricants and flora
(bacteria and yeast) that are normal and
natural, she says. When these beneficial
compounds get washed away, anaerobic
bacteria and yeast proliferate and can cause
symptoms like discharge, odor, and itching.
Lesson learned: While a little mild soap on the
labia area (that’s the outer part) is OK, your
body does a fine job of keeping the insides
2. It grows in size when aroused.
“The average length of a vagina is 3 to 4
inches long,” says Lissa Rankin, MD,
gynecologist and author of What’s Up Down
There? Questions You’d Only Ask Your
Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend.
Sounds sort of small, and possibly
unaccommodating to your husband or
partner, right? Fear not, nature makes room.
“It can double in length when aroused,” Dr.
Rankin explains. But she adds that many
women still have pain during sex when their
partner is on the larger side. She
recommends using plenty of lubricant and
going slow. “Encourage your partner to have
fun with foreplay,” she says. “The more
aroused you feel, the less intercourse will
3. Just like your face, your vagina also
wrinkles with age.
It’s a fact of life: The appearance of your lady
parts may change with age. “The labia may
become less plump as estrogen levels wane,
fatty pads in the labia shrink and less collagen
can lead to more sagging,” says Dr. Rankin.
“The skin of the vulva may darken or lighten
and the clitoris may shrink. It’s normal either
way.” Scary? Nah. “These changes, which are
often related to decreasing levels of estrogen,
do not affect how much pleasure your girl
parts can bring you.”
4. You can’t lose something in your
vagina (like a tampon).
Everyone’s heard the myth that things can get
“lost” in there. “The vagina is bounded at the
inner end by the cervix and by the vagina’s
own tissue,” says Stern. In other words, your
vagina is not connected to another area of
your body so don’t worry about anything going
missing! However, “Sometimes a tampon can
get lodged deep inside the vagina, like if it’s
accidentally left in place during intercourse. If
this happens, your healthcare provider should
be able to remove it easily with a speculum
and forceps,” she says.
5. Some women ejaculate with orgasm.
“It definitely happens, and it’s not
uncommon,” says Dr. Rankin. “It seems to
be a learned skill and happens more
commonly as women get older and learn how
their bodies work.” So how does it happen?
“There are glands around the urethra — the
tube between the bladder and the outside
world — that probably secrete fluid,
particularly when the anterior wall of the
vagina (a.k.a. the G Spot) is stimulated.”
Beverly Whipple, PhD, RN, a sexuality
researcher and professor at Rutgers College
of Nursing, describes this area as “ ‘the
female prostate,’ a collection of glands, blood
vessels, nerves and spongy tissue that, when
stimulated, seem to create fluid in some
6. Your vagina may change dramatically
after childbirth.
“Post-childbirth the vagina doesn’t so much
look different as it feels different,” says Dr.
Rankin. “As a gynecologist, I can almost
always tell if a woman has delivered vaginally
or not. I need a larger speculum for a woman
who has had two kids than for a childless
woman. But from the outside, you can’t tell
unless a woman has torn during childbirth, in
which case she may have a faint scar at the
site of her tear or episiotomy.” If you’re
uncomfortable with the way your vagina has
stretched and changed after childbirth, Rankin
has a one-word recommendation: Kegels!
“These exercises can really help,” she says. A
refresher course: You can do them anywhere,
anytime. Just squeeze the muscles you use
to start and stop the flow of urine, holding for
a few seconds at a time, and repeating in
sets of 10 — or more, if you’re up to the
7. The vagina is like a muscle, use it or
lose it.
“It’s true that the vagina stays healthier when
you’re using it with some regularity,” says Dr.
Rankin. “Not only does sex keep the sensitive
vaginal tissue healthy, but it’s almost as if it
has a memory.” Case in point: If you neglect
your vagina for too long (no sex, no Kegel
exercises, etc.), the vaginal walls can become
fragile, she says. And when menopause
strikes, it may scar and close off a bit. But
sex isn’t the only answer: Your doctor can
suggest specific exercises and instruments
that can help the vagina stay in tip-top shape.
8. Vaginal discharge varies from woman
to woman.
Dr. Rankin notes that the average amount of
vaginal discharge a woman of reproductive
age secretes over a period of eight hours
weighs 1.55 grams (a gram is equivalent to
about 1/4 teaspoon). But, some women
produce much less and others produce much
more — and the variations are completely
normal! “You produce the greatest amount of
discharge (1.96 grams) around the time of
ovulation,” she says. “Of course, every
woman is different. Some women have
ectropion, when the mucous-producing glands
that are usually on the inside of the cervix
evert onto the outside of the cervix. If your
cervix has this normal feature, you may
produce more cervical mucous, which
increases the amount of vaginal discharge
you have. Some women produce very scant
amounts of discharge and others make much
more. In the absence of infection, it’s normal
either way.” And the color? It varies, too —
and just because there’s a pigment to it,
doesn’t mean you have an infection. “Normal
vaginal discharge is whitish, but may appear
yellowish when it dries,” she says. “But if
your vaginal discharge appears greenish when
wet, you have itching or burning, your
discharge smells extra-fishy or you think
you’re at risk for STDs, get it checked just to
be on the safe side.”
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