Lagos govt dumps 70 beggars and homeless people in Onitsha

The Lagos State Government
yesterday Wednesday July 24th
dumped over seventy people
said to be beggars and homeless
people in Onitsha. The destitute were brought into
the state around 3am yesterday
and left them under the flyover
at Upper Iweka Bridge after
being detained in Lagos for
months for begging, wandering and other minor offenses by the
Lagos State Kick Against
Indiscipline Officials. Many of the
people dumped at the location
said they were not even from
Onitsha and didn't understand why they were dropped there.
Some claimed they have family in
Lagos and were picked up by KAI
officials as they went to work. This is the second time in a year
the Lagos State govt will dump
people at Upper Iweka in


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