President Goodluck message to nigerians throught his facebook page

President Goodluck
Jonathan's message to
Nigerians Our dear president posted this
on his Facebook page this
afternoon. See the full message
after the cut.. Dear friends on facebook, The determination of this
administration to create wealth
in Nigeria and for Nigerians has
led us to focus our investment
drive towards attracting Foreign
Direct Investments in manufacturing and the service
sector to ensure that jobs are
created. And this drive is not an
exercise in futility as Nigeria is
becoming the preferred
destination for FDI. Just last week, General Electric announced
a decision to invest $1 billion in
setting up a manufacturing plant
to support power generation
and oil production. Their plant, to
be situated in Calabar, will provide jobs for thousands with
multiplier effect for tens of
thousands more and will make
Nigeria a hub for power
equipment in the region. The end
result of this investment is that Nigeria’s power generating
infrastructure will be expanded
meaning more power for
Nigerians which translates to
even more jobs. While we continue to encourage
the Private Sector to help grow
our economy and create jobs for
our youths, we will do all within
our powers to also keep our
youths engaged. In this regard I am happy to report that the
600 bed Federal Teaching
Hospital in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State
which this administration began
working on in February 2011.
This project has reached 95% completion and when
commissioned later this year it
will provide jobs for 3000 people.
Similar projects are ongoing in
other geo-political zones and I
will keep you updated. Similarly, ongoing massive
investments in the rehabilitation
of our railways are being carried
out with direct labour, thereby
providing jobs to thousands of
our youths especially around the Ilorin-Minna-Kaduna-Kano
corridor of our rail network. In
addition to the regular Lagos to
Kano service, the Nigerian
Railway Corporation has
introduced new routes including the Offa-Kano intercity service.
These initiatives are generating
employment and providing an
inexpensive means of travel as
well as an alternative means of
hauling heavy goods and petroleum products to the
Rehabilitation works are also
ongoing in the nation’s pipelines
to ensure a resumption of the
supply of petroleum products by pipelines all over the nation thus
reducing the pressure on our
roads and railways and freeing
up space for hauling other
products. Jobs are being created
as this is ongoing and moribund services are being resumed. Just last month, the Benin Depot
of the Pipeline Product
Marketing Company (PPMC) was
reopened after a successful
completion of rehabilitation
works. Products can now be transferred by pipelines to this
facility. And it is not just in the service
sectors that we are seeing
construction and rehabilitation.
During the maiden meeting of
the Executive Council of the
Federation meeting, the Federal Government approved the
establishment of three new
universities in Yobe, Kebbi and
Zamfara states. Apart from the
jobs that the construction works
will generate in those states, value is being added to the local
economy as more citizens will
have access to tertiary
education with its attendant
effect in wealth generation and
improved health. My dear friends on facebook,
may God bless you, even as I
pray for Almighty God to bless
our country, Nigeria. GEJ


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