Eagles’s fan dies
while watching Q/final
match- 40 year old
Moshood Ismail Owolabi was
reported to have slumped
and died on Sunday at a
viewing centre located at Lanlepe compound, Oke-
Sokori in Abeokuta, Ogun
State capital during the
quarter final match of the
African Cup of Nation
between the Super Eagles of Nigeria and the
Elephants of Cote d’Ivoire. Owolabi, an Engineer with
Federal Road Maintenance
Agency (FERMA), Federal
Ministry of Works in
Abeokuta was said to have
been immediately rushed to a nearby clinic, Success
Medical Clinic where he was
given a first aid before
being referred to another
hospital (First Alpha). He was said to have died
on the way to First Alpha
hospital also in Abeokuta. Confirming his death the
medical Director of the
Clinic, Sulaiman Kolawole
told Vanguard that
Owolabi was already dead
before he was brought to the clinic and that all
effort to rescue him hit
the rock. While explaining the cause
of his death, the Medical
Director told our
correspondent that the
incident was as a result of
excessive intake of carbondioxide which he
said was persistent for a
longer period of time
before resulting to what
he called anoxia. “Immediately the boy was
brought, he was brought
dead, from what I learnt, I
was told by a close friend
that he had a fatal
accident about two months ago and he was
treated and managed. “It supposed to be an
heart attack, because the
way I saw him, he looked
weak, he doesn’t look
agile and healthy, he
looked like some who has been sick for a very long
period of time, he looked
like someone who is
managing his life and now
facing a lot of crowd with
shortage of oxygen in that area, we call it
anoxia, excessive intake of
carbondioxide persistently
for a longer period of time
but it was late before he
was brought here,” he said. When Vanguard visited the
viewing centre Monday, it
was observed that, the
ramshackle wooden place
had a very small window
from where ventilation only enters and the place
was said to be containing
about hundred football
fans at a goal. An eye witness told
Vanguard that late
Owolabi who was married
with two children
couldn’t control himself
when Victor Moses missed a very good
chance resulting in his
collapse. A neighbour of the
deceased who was also at
the viewing center when
the incident happened,
Taiwo Adebayo narrated
that it was like a cardiac arrest adding that he
started foaming when he
fell on ground. Adebayo disagreed with
the Medial Director of
Success Medical Clinic
saying that Owolabi was
immediately rescued and
taken to the clinic alive. He added that the Doctor
was not available on
getting to the hospital. He said the deceased
later died on the way to
another hospital where he
was referred to. “We were together when
the match started, when
Moses played a shot on
target and it was
deflected off by another
opposing player, it was that time that he fell on
someone’s laps as is if he
suffered from cardiac
arrest and he started
foaming. “I grabbed him immediately
and rushed him to the
hospital when we got to
success hospital, the
Doctor was not available
and the nurses tried giving him first aid when the
doctor was contacted,
then he was still breathing. “When the doctor came,
he checked him and
immediately referred him
to another hospital (First
Alpha), on the way going,
the gear of the vehicle got damaged and we
secured a taxi after some
minutes. “When we got the
hospital, the Doctor
confirmed him dead. We
went to his father at
Kugba area in Abeokuta
and the man gave a go ahead for his burial,” he
narrated. Adebayo described Owolabi
as a very jovial person
who, according to him, will
always be noticed where
ever he is because of his
attitude to people. Owolabi’s widow, Mrs
Tawakalitu Temilola Ismail
was still in shock when our
correspondent visited her
at the family’s flat in
Abeokuta. She described the incident
as a dream adding that
her late husband was busy
wandering around the
area with a close friend
for hours before the mach later started. She hinted that he later
husband left behind aged
parents who are in their
80s. “He was involved in an
accident about two
months ago, the accident
was fatal and he survived
it, but this incident was
like a dream but we give thanks to Almighty Allah,”
she hinted in a very low


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